Pastor Frankie T. Jones, Sr.

Dr. Frankie T. Jones, Sr. age 71 is President & CEO of Phoenix One Enterprise, Inc. and serves as Senior Pastor of the 106 year old historic Brown’s Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Gibsonville, NC. Previously he served for 17 years as Pastor of the 120 year old Beulah Missionary Baptist Church located in Danville, Virginal.  As CEO of Phoenix One Enterprise, Inc. his office is located on Phoenix One Farms in Alamance County, North Carolina.

A native of Alamance County North Carolina, Dr. Jones holds a Bachelor of Science Degree, two Master Degrees and a Doctorate Degree and has completed post-doctorial studies at The Oxford Graduate School.  His studies were completed at North Carolina A&T State University, Tuskegee University, Wayne State University, Duke University, Shaw University and Virginia University-Lynchburg.  He recently completed the Advanced Director’s Finance Program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Dr. Jones is a retired United States Air Force Senior Officer with 20 years of service and 22 years of experience in corporate management.  As a military officer, Colonel Jones is a highly decorated commander and graduate of numerous military leadership and management schools.  He served as commander of two major organizations and at one point was named Executive Officer of the 76th Airlift Division, Andrews AFB, which has responsibility for Air Force One and US Presidential Airlift Support.

He has spent over a decade engaged in pioneering efforts on behalf of global corporations in South Africa and Nigeria as part of a major effort to promote corporate goodwill and community development. He partnered in spearheading an effort to advance literacy through the promotion and development of an international book and education resource project resulting in over 5 million books and numerous resource libraries being established in rural and remote townships throughout the nine provinces of South Africa. He has personally conferred with international leaders to include Presidents Mandela, Jacob Zuma, Kenneth Kaunda and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan and Bishop Tutu.

While serving as Pastor of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, he successfully introduced a number of major initiatives and innovative outreach ministries. The church, located in a low income and underserved area, co-sponsors youths in college, provided an afterschool tutorial and feeding program, a neighborhood association development program, an adult continuing education initiative and a prison outreach ministry which connects ex-felons to support groups, employment and housing. As pastor at Brown’s Chapel they have launched a 20 initiative Holistic Strategic Outreach Ministry ranging from a STEM program to include Habitat, Social Justice, Academic and education/scholarship achievement plus an array of other faith based efforts to promote Kingdom Building and Community Development.  Additionally, a 23,000 sq. ft. Family Life Center is under construction. Dr. Jones is an instructor and serves on the Virginia Baptist State Convention Education Board where he continues to serve on the executive board as Chairman of Economic Development. He is Chairman of the 150th Anniversary Celebration for The Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Association.

Pastor Jones and The First Lady

“Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;”