
Prison Outreach Ministry

Weekly visits to inmates Provided bibles, tracts, and religious material. Added new members. Completed state mandated training for PREA ( Prison Rape Elimination Act ). Rev. Bobby Murray completed the Training for Community Leave Sponsor in the Community Volunteer Program in the Divisions of Prisons.

Habitat Ministry

Have cut wood for the needy. Cleaned gutters and grounds around homes. Renovated house in community for the Person to have a better quality of living. Cleared away trees, brush, debris from In front of persons home for safety and Security.

Health and Wellness Ministry

Informed Congregation about Free clinics to check for health Problems. Sponsored a Blood Drive for The American Red Cross here At the church fellowship hall. Will have Flu clinic on next Sunday. Will sponsor another blood drive on December 21, 2016.

4-H Club Ministry

Planted gardens to provide fresh Vegetables to the elderly members and shut in. Went to the Greensboro Science Center in conjunction with VBS. Planted a salad patch that became a salad field. It provided the church and community with greens.

Social Justice Ministry

Presented historical facts during our Observance of Black History Month. Represented at NAACP State Conference. Participated in NAACP membership Campaign. Participated in voters registration activities.

Minister of Music

Carries out the duties of his office. Plays for three of our four choirs. Travels with Pastor and church body To provide music. Roderick plays for the senior choir and Combined choir. Newly formed “ Hallelujah Choir ”.

Sunday School Ministry

Worked to grow Sunday School Classes. Kept attendance records of attendance. Work with teachers to maintain strong Class room environment. Oversaw operations of class body.

Outreach Investigation Ministry

Given food to the families that call for Help. Paid numerous power bill for those in Need of assistance. Helped with transportation for people. Provided lodging for the homeless With children.

Recreation Ministry

Kept swimming pool ready for use. Maintained Water PH for swimmers health. Performed maintenance on pool pump house. Cut and restored the ball field. Maintained Shelter and Grounds to be ready for different groups.

Cemetery/Grounds Ministry

Have had cemetery mapped and marked for each grave site. Updated the Memorial Plaque. Implemented project to clean and level all grave markers. Maintain the church and cemetery grounds.

Scholarship Ministry

Provided financial assistance and Supportive counseling to our students. Partnered with NC A&T State University. Awarded Scholarships for our Annual Scholarship Awards Program. Awarded assistance for students to attend NC A&T Summer workshop classes. Awarded Scholarships to our students That are actively enrolled in a school of higher learning.

Trustee Ministry

Recharged the Fire Extinguishers Installed new carpet in pulpit. Replaced the outdoor carpet on Handicap ramp. Put new roof on picnic shelter. Maintained AC and Heat Systems.

Deaconess Ministry

Visit Nursing & Rest Homes. Assisted Burned Out Family. Assisted Bereaved Families. Provided Meals for Elderly & Disabled. Provided transportation to doctors appointments, drug store, grocery store, chemo & physical therapy. Sponsored a family for Christmas.

Deacon Ministry

Worked with Pastor to Implement Ministries. Worked with Pastor to provide relief to the People that have lost their homes and jobs, With no where to stay, due to the floods in The lower Eastern part of the state. Working to implement our STEM program That will be rolling out next month. Working with A&T …

Usher Ministry

Attended Usher Anniversaries and traveled to other churches to provide service. Growing the Ushers in numbers and service.

Hospitality Ministry

Provide food for Bible Study. Cook and serve the food for Vacation Bible School. Prepared meals for 150th. Anniversary Of the Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Association. Prepare all the meals for after service programs.

Youth Ministry

Worked to aid youth of church and Surrounding community through Fellowship and education. Continued to develop through working Together with 4-H Club, and Education Ministry. Actively working with our food and Clothing ministry.